FI – Englanti (pitkä oppimäärä)


Koe koostuu neljästä osasta: kuullunymmärtämistehtävät, tekstin­ymmärtämistehtävät, sanasto- ja rakennetehtävät ja kirjallinen tuottaminen. Voit tehdä tehtävät haluamassasi järjestyksessä. Noudata tehtäväkohtaisia vastaamisohjeita. Voit muuttaa antamiasi vastauksia koska tahansa kokeen aikana. Tee kukin tehtävä loppuun ennen kuin aloitat seuraavan. Vastaa monivalintatehtäviin ja monivalinta-aukkotehtäviin napsauttamalla kulloinkin sopivinta vaihtoehtoa. Kirjoita avoimissa tehtävissä vastauksesi tehtävän yhteydessä olevaan vastauskenttään. Tehtävissä voi olla myös tehtäväkohtaista ohjeistusta. Lisää kielikokeen vastausohjeita on linkissä Kielikokeen ohjeistus. Kuullunymmärtämistehtävien äänitteet ja videot saat käynnistää omaan tahtiisi napsauttamalla siihen liittyvää painiketta. Kun olet käyttänyt sallitut kuuntelukerrat, et voi enää kuunnella äänitettä uudelleen. Käytetyt painikkeet tunnistaa niiden muuttuneesta väristä. Varaa aikaa kuullun­ymmärtämistehtävien tekemiseen yhteensä noin 1 tunti. Videot katsotaan aineistovälilehdellä olevalla mediasoittimella. Videoita voit katsoa niin monta kertaa kuin haluat. Voit myös pysäyttää videoiden toiston ja kelata niitä eteen- tai taaksepäin. Joissakin tehtävissä on aineistoa, joka löytyy erilliseltä välilehdeltä. Sinne pääset tästä linkistä. Yksittäisen tehtävän aineistoon pääset myös suoraan napsauttamalla kyseisen tehtävän yhteydessä olevaa Avaa aineisto -linkkiä. Onnea kokeeseen!

English, Advanced Syllabus, Spring 2018
CompetenceTaskNumber of
Listening Comprehension
1Australian Rap36
2How to Speak Persuasively48
3Art and Intellectualism (video)48
4Food Synergy48
5Hillsborough Survivor612
6Airplane Contrails48
7News Snippets530
Reading Comprehension
8The Road to Little Dribbling510
9New Recruits918
10A God in Ruins28
Grammar and Vocabulary
13Persevering with Planners1010
16Writing a Report36
17.1. / 17.2. / 17.3. / 17.4.

Koe sisältää kuullunymmärtämisen tehtäviä. Tehtävien äänitteitä ei voi kuuntelun aikana pysäyttää eikä kuunnella uudestaan.
Äänen voimakkuutta voit säätää ruudun oikeasta yläkulmasta.
PART I Listening Comprehension
1 Australian Rap This radio programme discusses Australian rap music. You can listen to this part twice: first straight through and then in short sections. Read the questions carefully and then listen to the recording. (6 p)
The whole recording
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
1.1 What does Mark Rickards say about rap in Australia? (2 p.)
The passage related to question 1.1.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
1.2 According to Rhianna Patrick, which two things has music helped do for the young? (2 p.)
The passage related to question 1.2.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
1.3 How has hip hop changed over the years? (2 p.)
The passage related to question 1.3.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
2 How to Speak Persuasively This podcast discusses ways to affect people through speech. You can listen to this part twice: first straight through and then in short sections. Read the questions carefully and then listen to the recording. (8 p)
The whole recording
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
2.1 How do sales people persuade their customers? (2 p.)
2.2 How were persuasion skills studied? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 2.1. and 2.2.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
2.3 What was unexpected about the pitch? (2 p.)
2.4 What was found to be convincing? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 2.3. and 2.4.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
3 Art and Intellectualism (video) This is a video of musician Brian Eno discussing the distinction between art and intellectualism. He also talks about breaking boundaries, such as the boundary between music and visual art. You can play the video as many times as you want to and stop, fast forward and rewind it. Read the questions carefully and then watch the video. Avaa aineisto (8 p)
3.1 What kind of prejudice does Brian Eno talk about? (2 p.)
3.2 How does Brian Eno relate to the claim that artists should be passionate and inarticulate? (2 p.)
3.3 What did Ron Kitaj do? (2 p.)
3.4 What did the critics accuse him of? (2 p.)
4 Food Synergy A scientist talks about plant foods and their health benefits. You can listen to this part twice: first straight through and then in short sections. Read the questions carefully and then listen to the recording. (8 p)
The whole recording
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
4.1 How do whole plant foods help people? (2 p.)
4.2 Why have scientists failed in finding the critical chemical? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 4.1. and 4.2.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
4.3 What has Campbell found out? (2 p.)
4.4 Why doesn’t research affect consumer behavior? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 4.3. and 4.4.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
5 Hillsborough Survivor The first recording offers some background information about an event called the Hillsborough disaster (on April 15, 1989). Following this you can listen to a news report where a man who survived the disaster is interviewed. You can listen to each section once only. Read the questions carefully and then listen to the recordings. (12 p)
5.1 What happened at the Hillsborough stadium? (2 p.)
5.2 Who was mainly to blame for the disaster? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 5.1. and 5.2.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
5.3 Why has Joe only now started looking for the man who saved his life? (2 p.)
The passage related to question 5.3.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
5.4 How was Joe saved? (2 p.)
5.5 What happened to Joe’s stepfather that day? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 5.4. and 5.5.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
5.6 What does Joe expect from the meeting? (2 p.)
The passage related to question 5.6.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
6 Airplane Contrails This is a podcast about airplane contrails. You can listen to this part twice: first straight through and then in short sections. Read the questions carefully and then listen to the recording. (8 p)
The whole recording
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
6.1 How are cirrus clouds connected to contrails? (2 p.)
6.2 What do contrails consist of? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 6.1. and 6.2.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
6.3 What sometimes causes airplanes to not leave contrails at all? (2 p.)
6.4 Which feature of contrails can be used in weather forecasting? (2 p.)
The passage related to questions 6.3. and 6.4.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
7 News Snippets This recording has five news stories. You can listen to 7.1.–7.3. once only. Listen to the recording and answer the questions in Finnish.
7.1 Mitä puutarhurit tekevät puille ja miksi? (6 p.) (6 p)
The passage related to question 7.1.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
7.2 Millä välineellä keksijä liikkui? Mikä oli onnettomuuden syy (2 asiaa)? (6 p.) (6 p)
The passage related to question 7.2.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
7.3 Mitä Pohjois-Walesin rannikkovesistössä oli tapahtunut, ja mitä siitä oli seurannut? (6 p.) (6 p)
The passage related to question 7.3.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
You can listen to 7.4.–7.5. twice.
7.4 Mitkä kaksi asiaa tutkijat saivat selville siperiansarvikuonosta? (6 p.) (6 p)
The passage related to question 7.4.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
The passage related to question 7.4. one more time
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
7.5 Mitä sähköpostiviestien avulla tutkittiin, ja mitä tutkimus osoitti? (6 p.) (6 p)
The passage related to question 7.5.
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.
The passage related to question 7.5. one more time
Materiaali poistettu tekijänoikeuksien vuoksi.

PART II Reading Comprehension
8 The Road to Little Dribbling Read the text carefully and then answer the questions. Choose the best alternative for each item. Avaa aineisto (10 p)
8.1 What is it that the author likes about the people of the Dales? (2 p.)
8.2 Which of the following best describes the railway line? (2 p.)
8.3 What made Allport attempt to cancel the project? (2 p.)
8.4 Which statement about Charles Sharland is the most accurate? (2 p.)
8.5 What was one main problem with the completed railway line? (2 p.)
9 New Recruits Read the text carefully and then answer the questions. Choose the best alternative for each item. Avaa aineisto (18 p)
9.1 What kind of dress code did the applicants have in the Oxford entrance interviews? (2 p.)
9.2 How does Oxford University make the applicants feel as comfortable as possible on campus? (2 p.)
9.3 Why do the interviewers focus on more than just the applicants’ mastery of factual knowledge? (2 p.)
9.4 How does the writer view University Challenge and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (2 p.)
9.5 According to the writer, what does the notion of ‘retentive mind’ translate into? (2 p.)
9.6 What does the writer emphasize by bringing up an example of a seventeen-year-old? (2 p.)
9.7 What kind of questions did the writer pose in the entrance interviews? (2 p.)
9.8 Which best describes the way the writer assessed the prospective students? (2 p.)
9.9 Why did the writer primarily ask about the candidates’ ancestors? (2 p.)
10 A God in Ruins Read the text carefully and then answer the questions. Avaa aineisto (2 p)
10.1 Mitä lentokoneelle tapahtui, ja miksi Teddy ajatteli balettia lentäessään? Vastaa lyhyesti suomeksi. (6 p.) (6 p)
10.2 What does ‘fey’ choice mean in this context? (2 p.)
11 Happy Read the text carefully and then answer the questions. Choose the best alternative for each item. Avaa aineisto (14 p)
11.1 Why does the writer of the column compare him/herself with Lord Percy of Newcastle? (2 p.)
11.2 Which of the word choices in the second paragraph indicates the writer’s negative attitude towards the topic of the text? (2 p.)
11.3 What is common to the two companies Delivering Happiness and Plasticity Labs? (2 p.)
11.4 Choose a sentence for the gap that best fits the meaning of the whole paragraph. (2 p.) Some firms are trying to create some wellbeing, too, showering their employees with mindfulness courses, yoga lessons and anything else that proves that managers are interested in “the whole person”. ? Management theorists note that a big threat to corporate performance is widespread disengagement among workers. Happy people are more engaged and productive, say psychologists. Gallup claimed in 2013 that the “unhappiness” of employees costs the American economy $500 billion a year in lost productivity.
11.5 In the writer’s view, what can be said about Gallup’s estimate of how much employees’ unhappiness costs the American economy? (2 p.)
11.6 Choose the pair of words for the gap that best fits the context in the paragraph that starts with “One problem with tracking happiness...” (2 p.) They should concentrate on eliminating ?, such as time-wasting meetings and pointless memos.
11.7 What is one of the problems described in the paragraph that starts with “The idea of companies employing jolly good fellows…”? (2 p.)
Fill in the blanks in the final paragraph of the text. Use words that make the most sense on the basis of the whole text. Write only ONE word in each gap. (5 x 2 p.)
11.8 (2 p)
11.9 (2 p)
11.10 (2 p)
11.11 (2 p)
11.12 (2 p)
12 Innovations Lue seuraavat tekstit ja vastaa kysymyksiin niiden pohjalta lyhyesti suomeksi. (24 p.) Avaa aineisto
12.1 Mitä erikoista levysoittimella soitetaan, ja miten musiikki saadaan aikaiseksi? (6 p.) (6 p)
12.2 Mistä kahdesta syystä tämän kierrätysmateriaalin käyttö eri tuotteissa on ekologista? (6 p.) (6 p)
12.3 Mikä on tiesuolan vaihtoehdon merkittävin vahvuus, ja mikä on sen huono puoli? (6 p.) (6 p)
12.4 Miten ongelmaa on aiemmin yritetty ratkaista? Miten se on myöhemmin ratkaistu? (6 p.) (6 p)

PART III Grammar and Vocabulary
13 Persevering with Planners Choose appropriate words to fill in the six gaps 13.1.–13.6. Use the correct form of the word. There are a few words too many. (6 p.) Avaa aineisto
accept, adopt, clear, collide, empower, erase, grant, ride, reflect, strike, travel
13.1 (1 p)
13.2 (1 p)
13.3 (1 p)
13.4 (1 p)
13.5 (1 p)
13.6 (1 p)
13.7-10 Choose a word that means about the same as the underlined word and fits the context. (4 p.) (4 p)
Marenco said he left the military with emotional and physical problems, but he 7) took advantage of exploitedembracedemployedexercised the G.I. Bill law to get his bachelor’s degree at Florida International University, with a double major in marketing and business administration. After months of not being able to find a job, he returned to the university to get his master’s degree in international business. Again, he failed to get a job. So he turned his energy and focus to an idea that had been long 8) brewing formingloomingplottingscheming , the 9) creation productionconstitutionfoundationorganisation of personal development and self-help books. From all of his life experiences, he developed his idea for a life planner that also helps users organize and 10) define describeprescribecommentconstruct their values about the various aspects of their lives, including community and personal relationships, finances and even spirituality. Nowhere else had he seen a planner with this holistic approach.
14 Wheels Read the text carefully and for each item choose the alternative that best fits the context. (5 p.) (5 p)
The baby’s perambulator or pram was designed in 1733 by the Palladian architect William Kent for his client, the fourth Duke of Devonshire. To save any 1) exertionsexercisesexemptionsexhibitions on the part of His Grace, the wheeled basket was designed to be pulled by a goat. 2) PatentedPatentPatentsPatenting in the mid-1950s, the first collapsible buggy was also English, Saffron Walden-born Owen Maclaren 3) having previously designedpreviously designeddesigning previouslyhas previously designed the undercarriage for the Supermarine Spitfire. --- Bicycles are faster, lighter, use sexier materials and are 4) consequentlyapproximatelypreferablyreversely hugely more expensive than ever before, but the arrangement of a diamond frame and two similar-sized wheels really hasn’t changed much since 1885. John Kemp Starley introduced the concept with his Rover safety cycle, a design which proved so influential that in Poland a bike is still referred 5) toforinup as a ‘rower’.
15 Mutiny Fill in the blanks using suggestions given. (15 p.) Avaa aineisto
15.1 (1 p)
15.2 (1 p)
15.3 (1 p)
15.4 (1 p)
15.5 (1 p)
15.6 (1 p)
15.7 (1 p)
15.8 (1 p)
15.9 (1 p)
15.10 (1 p)
15.11 (1 p)
15.12 (1 p)
15.13 (1 p)
15.14 (1 p)
15.15 (1 p)
16 Writing a Report For a school assignment you made a small-scale study that you are now reporting. Fill in the missing words in the text according to the information in parentheses. (6 p.)
16.1 The objective of this study was to find out what problems (kotona asuvilla vanhuksilla on). (2 p)
16.2 In this study (haastateltiin sataa ihmistä) about their daily lives. (2 p)
16.3 As in many other (Suomessa tehdyissä tutkimuksissa), loneliness emerged as the most frequent problem with these people. (2 p)

PART IV Production Write a composition of 700–1,300 characters on one of the topics below, following the instructions. Spaces and line breaks are not included in the character count. (99 p.) Leave the three other text fields empty.
17.1 The BBC’s Journalism Trainee Scheme is the flagship journalism entry and training scheme run by the BBC Academy. Since 2007 we have recruited and trained scores of high-quality journalists, many of whom continue to work on high-profile programmes and in newsrooms across the BBC. The scheme offers vocational journalists the opportunity to immerse themselves in BBC News for a year of high quality training and work experience. Successful applicants need to be able to demonstrate creativity, resilience in a high-pressure environment, and a thorough understanding of the role of the BBC’s journalism. Video: BBC Journalism Trainee Scheme Avaa aineisto You have decided to apply for the BBC Journalism Trainee Scheme. You can watch the video, if you like, to get a better idea of the scheme. To apply you are required to write either a piece of news or a text on a cultural topic (sports, theatre, fine arts, music, etc.). Write your text. (99 p)
17.2 Robots will soon make human labour unnecessary. The EU Joint Technology Initiatives wants to know young people’s views on automation. Write an essay discussing the revolution that is going on in different areas of working life from manufacturing to the care business: robots are being developed to carry out even more complex tasks and even to think for themselves. You can either pick one area, or discuss automation in general. Avaa aineisto (99 p)
17.3 It’s a small world. This is a point we often make when we realise, for instance, that we have something in common with a new acquaintance, or when we experience something we have faced before. Write a blog post on how you have noticed that it is indeed a small world. (99 p)
17.4 Your school is organizing a theme week on Active Citizenship. You’ve been asked to give a talk on how one person can make a difference and change the world. If you wish, you can use Billy Bragg’s song Never Buy the Sun as an inspiration. He didn’t like the way The Sun newspaper wrote about the Hillsborough disaster, and he wrote a song about it. Avaa aineisto Write your talk. (99 p)
Kokeen tekstit ja kuvat pohjautuvat seuraaviin lähteisiin: 1. (1.9.2016); kuva: (27.9.2016) 2. (22.3.2017) 4. (22.3.2017); kuva: (27.9.2016) 5.; (22.3.2017); kuvat:,, (27.9.2016) 6. (22.3.2017); kuva: (27.9.2016) 7. (adapted, 23.3.2017); Ylioppilastutkintolautakunta; (22.3.2017); (22.3.2017); (22.3.2017); kuvat:, (27.9.2016) 14. David Long, Bizarre England, London 2015; kuvat:, (27.9.2016) 17.1. 17.3. Kuva: (27.9.2016)
Tarkista vielä, että olet vastannut kaikkiin tehtäviin. Voit päättää kokeen napsauttamalla Päätä koe -painiketta.